
Tuesday, 31 July 2012

behind, behind, SO far behind

HOLD on Bits and Pieces post covering last week (July 23-29th)...  you will just have to wait.

Here's a snippit though:

  • We went to Regina over the weekend to see Cirque du Soliel's Quidam.  AH-MAZE-ZING!
  • Molly and I started going for walks in the mornings
  • Slowest reader in the world (making the time commitment-wise) is JUST finishing up Secret Daughter
  • My watermelons are producing fruit! Pictures coming soon! (Okay, that sounds bad, but I swear I'm not being perverted!!!) My watermelon plants, that just a month ago, I thought were not going to make it this summer, actually sprouted flowers and have teeny-tiny watermelons on them!  I am so SO SO surprised.

Things are very busy at work this week...  I anticipate being wiped right out when I get home in the evening.  Will likely be very quiet around here until next Thursday (8 more days!  pfff - who's counting?).  I want to catch up with the bits and pieces posts, and keep gushing about all the exciting things going on this summer.

*Crappiest quality blackberry camera phone... in the dark, no flash, under a streetlight.  Booger and I out for a lovely daily walk at 4:30AM - am I crazy?


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