
Friday, 27 July 2012

friday favorite // google reader

This weeks favorite:  google reader

As I've mentioned before, I am not very technologically savvy.  I can manage my way around the computer and some external components just fine, but only when I've had some quality 'getting to know you time' with whatever system it is I'm operating....

Since I'm new to this whole blog thing, it's taken me some time to learn some very key tricks of the trade.  As I browsed posts by several of creative ladies, I clicked into link, upon link, UPON LINK, of all these fabulously inspiring and interesting blogs.  HOW on EARTH am I to follow these on a daily basis without committing URLs to memory, or writing them down, or searching through my browser history, or posting links on my blog and accessing them all that way.  HOW!??

I spent some time with bloglovin'... but not everyone is on bloglovin'  and for some reason I didn't even THINK to try RSS.  Why, I don't know.

I loaded google chrome onto my computer at work a few months ago, but had not even scratched the surface of it's capabilities until I opened the google chrome webstore extension.  WowEEEE!  Look what I can do!  I tell ya, I was a kid in a candy shop that day.

So here we are, google reader and I, ya, we're best buds.  I love:

  • how easy it is to subscribe to a blog
  • how the tab indicates a new post is ready for your enjoyment
  • how it lists in alphabetical order, all the blogs I'm following - that list is growing every day as I stumble through this wondrous thing called the internet
  • how I can star favorite posts for future reference - a MUST for every DIY crafter out there
  • how it has made my little blog addiction far less time consuming

Google Reader for the win!


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